


Pattern and Texture

There is a strong relationship between the patterning of the lines throughout this interior versus the three various textures incorporated within. There is the smooth lines of the white timber flooring, the soft wrinkly texture of the cushions as well as the rustic textured feeling of the walls, roof and beams. These three textures all harmonize the room through the use of the lined patterns, allowing the room to be harmonious with each other.
(Source: DreamyHome)


Colour and Variety

This is a very simple little space and the colours used create visual interest. The relationship between the timber and white objects allow for this interest to be present to the viewer as there is quite a contrast between the two. The only other element is the strong various pops of colour. The interest is emphasized through the variety of colourful objects incorporated within the interior.  The stylist is used many colours, and just not simply sticking to a particular colour scheme. As a result, the colour of the entirety of the room is very light and playful. These diverse elements enable the viewer to be captivated by the space and be visually enlightened by all the colourful and fun quirky elements.

(Source: DreamyHome)


Texture and Emphasis

This is such an interesting and beautiful design. The various textures used create an earthy and homely feel. There is the emphasis of the rough texture of the rock versus the smooth texture of the table, chairs and flooring as well as the shiny and reflective texture of the glass. The corrugated iron ceiling adds onto more textural emphasis within the interior, and presents the viewer with a rustic, outdoorsy feel. 

(Source: DreamyHome)


Shape and Emphasis

This interior establishes the focal point inside the main circle within the square room. Shape in this instance is an important aspect to explore as it creates a perception of a space within a space. The outside light and greenery is seemingly pouring inside the square room, enveloping it with natural light and comfort. By incorporating a circular lounge and coffee table, there is a different effect being created inside the natural space. There is however a sense of balance within all this as the elements of design in this interior are symmetrically organised to create the perfect weight and highlight the importance of being together.

(Source: DreamyHouse)


Colour and Balance

This particular bedroom interior is especially balanced through the use of square and rectangular shaping arranged asymmetrically around the room. This concept creates an expression of interest as a result of the asymmetrically placed home wares and artworks, creating visual interest all around the room, incorporating the various elements together to create something diverse, yet structurally balanced. The pop of colour is especially important. The orange is dragged down from the artwork onto the bed head, emphasizing the balance again. 

(Source: DreamyHome)


Colour and Balance

Kerrie Brown's roller blinds are very exotic and explore many diverse types of cultural accents. This one in particular focuses on the idea of colour and balance. The pop of pink is very powerful and sets the mood - it is very exotic and exciting as well as culturally conservative. There is a feeling of balance within this design through the use of the symmetrically placed flamingos. These separate objects are essentially creating another image together as well as keeping to their individual shape. As a result, the roller blind establishes the central focal point of the window it is placed upon, the viewers attention will be towards the centre of the image. This balancing establishes the importance of symmetry within an interior that requires it. For example, this particular roller blind would work well with a neutral palette. The pop of colour will be very strong and add attention and excitement to the interior.

(Source: KerrieBrown)


Line and Rhythm/Movement


Timber flooring creates a lined affect within interiors. As you can see in the image on the right, this effect is extremely important in regards to placemenet; this particular interior has used the lined timber effect to run directly down the corridor, establishing a sense of rhythm/movement down the hall way, while also extending the hall way giving it perspective and depth.

(Photo from dreamyhome)


Texture and Balance

Hello! Haven’t posted in about a week, so sorry about that! I’m a little obsessed with velvet, and I know velvet is somewhat tacky, especially when it’s fake velvet, but when it’s done well, it’s fabulous! This velvet mustard lounge really stood out for me, it has that ‘vintage/boho’ feel, and it coordinates so well with the painted timber floor and the plain walls behind it. The lounge looks amazingly comfy, perfect for snuggling up and reading a good novel, or even taking an afternoon nap. I imagine this to be in an artists studio, a good rest spot to clear ones thoughts or gain inspiration. 
If this were my studio, I would add creative and inspiring artworks scattered above the lounge, to give more colour and light to the area. A large pile of magazine/books close at hand beside the lounge, a small dark stained coffee table on the other side, and a lamp. Simple, yet effective and enjoyable!
(Photo from coyotegold)

This velvet mustard lounge really stood out for me, it has that ‘vintage/boho’ feel, and it coordinates so well with the painted timber floor and the plain walls behind it. This balance between the three textures is as a result of their differences. There is a strong play of texture within this simple interior. The velvet produces a very different effect from the wall and timber flooring, which both expose elements of imperfections. These imperfections enable the rustic texture to balance out the difference between the smooth wall and bumpy lounge.

(Photo from coyotegold)


Shape and Emphasis

This is such an elegant and sophisticated living space with french accents, and the colour combinations of mostly black, white and shades of pink are simple, feminine, and effective. The first thing I noticed about this living room is the black and white striped curtains with the black window frames, and how the white furniture (including the light fitting) opens up the small space, giving the illusion it is larger than it is. The curtains are the focal point, creating perspective and adding emphasis. Their placement is extremly important as the shape of the windows and curtains (rectangular) enables the viewer to be draw in to the illusion of the "larger" room. The curtains and frames help draw the idea of space and perspective back into the room.
 The light coloured furniture lightens the room, and the shapes used throughout the space is very unique. Fitting black furniture in would have the total opposite effect and close up the room entirely. The various shapes used throughout the space adds onto the aesthetic value which creates this emphasis on each individual product placement and effect is produces within the interior.

(Photo from L.E.M Interiors)


Texture and Variety

What a cozy little corner! There are many different accents used to create this diverse, creative little space. The colourful patterns of the cushions, blanket and glass bottles look so good up against all the white smooth texture of the wall, and even seems to balance out the area among all the white. This interior provides variety with the use of the colourful elements and accents, creating visual interest for the viewer. The fantastic little unique decorations also gives the space a bit more character, essentially adding variety and interest. I am especially loving the skull, and the white blanket used as a curtain, and these elements also provide the viewer with a sense of texture. The mirror frame, blankets, skull, glass bottles, lamp shake and carpet all add to the textural interest, as all are very uniquely different in texture but come together harmonically. 

(Source: DreamyHome)


Form and Movement

There is quite a lot of detail within this interior, not to mention it preserves the patina of the French chateau's original 19th-century paintwork and adds character with the vintage French merry-go-round seat. The custom designed chandelier and merry go round provide aesthetic form to the Interior, enabling the surroundings to be influenced by the form of those particular objects. They seem to be manipulating the space, providing movement to the entirety of the room. The merry-go-round appears to be floating, allowing the space to feel "open" and magical, and the chandelier looks like it is moving with all those crystal bits hanging down unevenly. The blue paintwork at the base of the walls creates a sense of the ocean surrounding the room. As a result the merry-go-round in some instances can be perceived as a '"boat" floating on the illusion of the water in the room. It is truly a unique design.

(Source: VogueLiving - May/June 2013)


Shape and Contrast

This is a really lovely, balanced bathroom design. The concept of the circles as hangers balances out the arrangement of the square/rectangle pattern, providing a focal point and adding interest to the design. As majority of the design is moulded around the rectangular shape, it is important to have a certain contrast to create a "pop" within the interior. 

The juxtaposition of the shapes also provides a contrast against the smooth textures of the cabinet, sink and mirror. It is interesting to notice how this contrast between the shapes is able to create such an aesthetically pleasing and balanced design. This is as a result of the interest of the shapes and how they have been incorporated in the design. These elements enable the viewer to be visually enticed by the shapes, as well as direct attention to certain focal points in the bathroom design.

(Image Source: DreamyHome)

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